Do Your Wisdom Teeth Need to Come Out?
The wisdom teeth are the final set of molars to emerge, typically between 16 and 20 years of age. While some patients are fortunate enough to have a healthy and smooth eruption of wisdom teeth, many patients suffer from complications. In fact, wisdom teeth are known for causing more harm than good. This is commonly due to a lack of jaw space, which prevents the third set of molars from emerging in a proper fashion.
In many cases, a dentist will take a proactive approach and recommend extracting the wisdom teeth if they appear to be growing in sideways or seem to be at risk for getting impacted below the gumline or bone.
Signs of Impacted Wisdom Teeth
The goal of this extraction procedure is to help you avoid disruptive dental issues caused by impacted or partially erupted wisdom teeth. Neglecting to remove troubled wisdom teeth can result in misalignment, jaw cysts, bone loss and gum infection.
When wisdom teeth become infected or impacted, you may experience one or more of the following symptoms:
- Red, puffy or bleeding gums
- Jaw pain
- Swelling around the jaw
- Foul breath odor
- Bad taste in your mouth
- Jaw stiffness
If you are unsure whether or not your wisdom teeth need to be removed or if you are suffering from signs of wisdom teeth impaction, please call Carolina Commons Dentistry right away.
Book Your Wisdom Teeth Removal in Indian Land
Just like any other procedure at our Indian Land office, we go above and beyond to keep you comfortable and at ease while you are here. Our dentists bring years of experience in extracting wisdom teeth, and they use careful precision and refined technique to minimize your discomfort. Before you leave the office, we will give you detailed instruction about your recovery and ways you can accelerate healing at the site of extraction. In general, wisdom teeth removal is a straightforward procedure with a very high success rate.